In the enchanting surroundings of the Treasure Island Resort in mystical Lonavala, Anurag and Pradnya's love story unfolded as a tale of deep friendship and joyous celebration. The festivities commenced on day one with the Haldi ceremony, a riot of laughter and fun-filled games that had the entire family dancing and painting two love birds in vibrant shades of yellow. The merriment seamlessly continued into the Sangeet, where dance performances not only entertained but also touched the very souls of Anurag and Pradnya, creating memories that resonated with the beats of their enduring connection. Both the Haldi & Sangeet was Rocked by amazing anchor Naman Shah.

On day two, the wedding unfolded against the backdrop of love and tradition. Anurag, a handsome and fun-loving guy, showered boundless affection not only on Pradnya but also on both family. Pradnya, a delightful mix of bubbly and dashing, embraced every moment with contagious enthusiasm. Their bond, evident in every shared glance and smile, made their wedding day more than a union; it was a celebration of a friendship blossoming into a lifetime commitment. The reception that followed was a culmination of their love story, leaving the Treasure Island Resort echoing with the laughter and joy of two best friends embarking on a journey of togetherness. The amazing wedding was planned by WSC events. & the make up artist behind bride’s make up was Ria Jain.

To both the families & Friends, Big thanks for making us feel at home. All these pictures & teasers would not have been possible without your never ending energy & love of Anurag & Pradnya.
Thank You Anurag & Pradnya for trusting us to capture your big day, its been such a pleasure.

Here’s best of the pictures from the wedding along with the teaser. Hope you will love it, would love to hear from all of you :)
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